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30+ vuotta kokemusta rahapeleistä

Markkinointi on osaamisemme pohja

Me olemme tehneet markkinointia jo 80-luvulta lähtien. Samoihin aikoihin saimme ensimmäiset kosketukset myös suomalaiseen rahapelaamiseen RAY:n kautta. Sittemmin olemme olleet paljon tekemisissä eri rahapelaamisen osien kanssa.

Me toimimme kumppanina

Olemme tehneet markkinointia jo vuosikymmeniä, ja olemme kiinnostuneita pidempi aikaisista ja kattavimmista yhteistyökuvioista, mutta emme luonnollisesti kieltädy yksittäisistä sisältömarkkinointiprojekteistakaan.



We create service with Finnish, English, German and Swedish – but our main GEO is Finland



Client satisfaction is our priority!

Strive to be pioneers in Finnish iGaming

A new era in gambling is approaching with the new law. The new gambling law will allow online casinos from operators other than Veikkaus starting from 2027.

Impact on the gambling market

The introduction of this law is expected to significantly change the landscape of the gambling market in Finland. Currently, Veikkaus holds a monopoly on gambling activities, but with the new regulations, other operators will be able to enter the market. This is likely to increase competition and provide players with a wider range of options.

The law aims to modernize the gambling industry and align it with the practices seen in many other European countries. By opening the market to more operators, the government hopes to improve the quality of services and offer better protections for consumers. The new law is also expected to increase the state’s revenue from gambling through licensing fees and taxes.

Benefits for players

One of the main benefits for players will be the increased variety of online casinos available. This competition among operators could lead to better bonuses, promotions, and overall improved user experiences. Players will have the opportunity to choose from a wider selection of games and platforms, potentially enhancing their overall gambling experience.

Additionally, the new law includes measures to ensure responsible gambling. Operators will be required to implement strict regulations to protect players, such as self-exclusion options, limits on spending, and tools to monitor and control gambling behavior. These measures are designed to prevent problem gambling and ensure a safer environment for all players.

Future prospects

The future of the Finnish gambling market looks promising with the introduction of the new law. As new operators enter the market, players can expect to see more innovative and engaging gambling options. The increased competition is likely to drive improvements in customer service and product offerings, benefiting players and the industry as a whole.

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